Privacy Matters

PDPA ComplianceEnhances ConfidenceReduces RiskAvoids Hefty Fines

We Provide

Cost-Effective, Easy-to-Implement Tools to be PDPA Compliant

Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis

PDPA Training

PDPA Training

Breach Response

Breach Response


Personal Data Protection Act

Since coming into force in 2012, the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) requires all organisations, including small and medium enterprises, to appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO), and adhere to the regulations.  Any organisation that collects, uses or retains personal data of individuals, including customers and employees, are required by law to comply, or face fines of up to SGD $1,000,000 per breach.

PDPA Consultancy

We help you comply with your PDPA Obligations

Understanding and complying with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act can be challenging.  Where do you even start? 

At Privacy Matters Pte Ltd, we simplify it for you, to get you  PDPA compliant in no time.

PDPA Consultancy

PDPA Consultancy

We offer FREE consultation on your PDPA requirements and how to comply with the PDPA Obligations under the law.
Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis

Once engaged, our consultants will do a Data Inventory Map exercise, and an on-site Risk Analysis.
PDPA Training

PDPA Training

Provide your staff and designated DPO with the necessary training to ensure proper understanding of the law and requirements.
SOPs and Breach Response Plan

SOPs and Breach Response Plan

Drafting of the required PDPA Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and devlopment of a Breach Response Plan.

PDPA enacted in 2012

Mandatory for all SMEs

$1,000,000 or 10% of revenue Penalty

506 Miltonia Close, Singapore 768183.
Talk to us
(65) 97931424