About Us

At Privacy Matters Pte Ltd, we believe in making it simple for businesses to navigate the law. We provide you with cost-effective & easy-to-implement tools and training to comply with the PDPA.

Targeted training for DPOs, Senior Management and Staff
Data Inventory Map
To understand the flow of Personal Data within your company
Risk Assessment
To identify potential gaps in data handling
Formulate SOPs
Help you formulate data protection policies for your company

Privacy Matters Pte Ltd


About Us

Simple, Effective Solutions

Privacy Matters Pte Ltd is an SME-focused PDPA solutions consultant, providing SMEs with cost-effective, easy-to-implement tools, and practical, industry-specific training, that will get your company compliant with its PDPA Obligations.

Juliana Lee
LLB (NUS, Singapore)
Certified Information Privacy Manager (IAPP)

Hands-on Approach

Our PDPA advisory, compliance and training services are provided on-site, with a hands-on, practical approach that delivers everything you need, simply and efficiently. Our training will equip your staff and Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) with sufficient knowledge and expertise to handle the flow of personal data within the organisation, and to put in place the necessary processes for the day to day running of your business.

Why Choose Us?

The team is led by lawyer, Ms Juliana Lee, who graduated from the National University of Singapore in 1997 with a second class honours (upper division). Witnessing first hand how the PDPA evolved and the impact it had on companies which struggled to understand and keep up with the law, Ms Lee set up Privacy Matters Pte Ltd after obtaining certification as a Certified Information Privacy Manager from the International Association of Privacy Professionals.

Our expertise in privacy matters enables us to help our clients, both big and small, achieve continuous compliance and information governance, alongside the changing privacy landscape.

Our knowledge of the business landscape helps us to understand requirements quickly, plan and prioritize intelligently, and deliver proactive privacy policies in a practical manner.

Our training modules are specifically designed to target different audiences to take into account their varied needs and strive to help your staff understand and navigate through the legal requirements of the PDPA easily.
506 Miltonia Close, Singapore 768183.
Talk to us
(65) 97931424