Your Organisation's 11 PDPA Obligations

All organisations are required by the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) to comply with these obligations when undertaking activities relating to the collection, use or disclosure of personal data.

The 11 main Personal Data Obligations under the PDPA are:

1. Accountability Obligation

Your organisation should demonstrate responsibility through proper management and protection of personal data, and should make information about its data protection practices, policies and complaints processes upon request.  Contact information of your Data Protection Officer should also be made readily available.

6. Protection Obligation

Your organisation should put in place reasonable security measures to protect the personal data in its possession or control, this includes both physical data and electronic data, in order to prevent unauthorised access, collection, use and/or disclosure of such data.

Examples would include storage of physical data in locked cabinets and implementation of robust network security systems. 

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(65) 97931424